KP Joseph
You are our deadly sister
You who hug us close
As you choose
Or visit us
Unguarded any time
In rain or shine.
You can choose to meet us
As we cross
A river or a road.
Or as one of us ride in a Cadillac
To church in glory to get married
Your visits can be long
As the lashing of the monsoon rains
Or short as a lightning strike.
No one can read your mind
And foresee what you will do next.
None can edit your text.
Often you take us along
With you, in tumult or in solitude
To your mysterious big bang home
Or if crueler or kinder you are
Leave us back on Earth
With one or more scars
Twinkling dark
On our body, soul
Or on our bone
And permit us to drink
Few more cups of tea
Or eat more snacks
And gulp more
Mouthfuls of air
Being still alive on our dear
Gorgeous planet Earth
11/30/2008 7:39:59 PM